The largest monographic exhibition in Europe devoted to
March 28 to October 12, 2025
The largest monographic exhibition in Europe devoted to Yoshitaka Amano, Japan’s celebrated artist, will take place at Museo di Roma, Palazzo Braschi, from Friday 28th March to 12th October 2025. Amano Corpus Animae arrives in Rome following its critically acclaimed run in Milan. The exhibition, created and developed by Lucca Comics & Games and curated by Fabio Viola, is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali with the support of Zètema.
Spanning over 50 years of the artist’s career, the exhibition presents more than 200 original works of art, Animation Cels and Cult Objects. Amano Corpus Anime is a journey in the history of animation and world entertainment through the many phases of the long career of the Shizuoka-born artist. From Tatsunoko to Final Fantasy, starting with his first steps in animation in the 70’s to his most recent works; the exhibition includes a number of his masterpieces which contributed to establishing Amano as a global artist. With his iconic work in anime and video games and his unmistakable sketches, drawings and paintings, Amano has established himself as a creator of contemporary mythologies. His work is present in people’s homes globally, breaking down the barriers of time, and is imprinted across the collective imagination of several generations.
The exhibition at Palazzo Braschi will be enriched with original works, never before exhibited in Italy, showcasing Yoshitaka Amano's collaboration with the famous Michael Moorcock. Moorcock is undoubtedly one of the most important names in world fantasy literature, as the author of Elric of Melnibonè. Visitors will be able to enjoy the work of two great masters and the narrative and visual worlds they created. Artwork will be featured across six tables displaying the genesis that guided the Sensei in the creation of Final Fantasy.
Characterised by a multifaceted production, ranging from video games to manga, from anime to theatre, and from fashion to fine art through the world of publishing and American comics. Amano’s art will be explored through five thematic sections. Visitors will see animation drawings of the Tatsunoko period, variant covers of Batman and Superman and tables of The Sandman. Work from the early 70s Pinocchio and original drawings of Final Fantasy will also be displayed. The exhibition will also feature recent unpublished works such as the masterpiece in three acts Amano created for the Puccini Centenary dedicated to Madame Butterfly, Tosca and Turandot. The trilogy was unveiled as the original poster for Lucca Comics & Games 2024.
Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday 10.00-19.00.
The ticket office closes at 18.00. Closing day: Monday.
For more information: tel. 060608 (every day 9.00 - 19.00)